1931 2024-11-21
1.The hair and makeup design you did for all characters in Guardians of the Galaxy is highly-acclaimed. Comparatively speaking, do you find the hair and makeup design for The Mummy 2017 more challenging?
您为2014年面世的电影《银河护卫队》的各大角色所做的妆容和发型已经为您赢得了不可忽视的优秀成绩,那么您觉得此次在《The Mummy 2017》中您所面对的角色造型和妆容是否更具挑战性?
There were some looks from The Mummy that were equally if not more complicated. We wanted to respect the period wewere working with and pay homage to the 1932 version while engaging in a younger audience and bringing them into this experience.
The Mummy has various stages of looks in life and death; each of them take a while to create through this evolution process. There was also the point that we were making this more of a horror/thriller than the past iterations.
Once we defined the visions of what she would look like both alive and dead, we were able to hone in on the specifics. It originally started as a five and a half hour makeup look! When you first see her transform, you see the cuts on her hand, the change in her blood and skin colour. It is very intricate.
With practice, we eventually cut the timing down to three and half hours. Keep in mind there could be multiple artists working on one actor at a time. Other than the actual creation, there was a lot of pre and post work to consider each day.
After shooting for the day it was imperative that especially The Mummy’s skin was taken care of. We made a conscious effort to clean off and moisturize using natural and coconut oils that worked well on the skin as it was the most important part in making sure the look was unified day after day.